Route 100
Which winds its way through Vermont from our southern border with Massachusetts, north, almost to Canada, may well be the most beautiful way to experience Vermont ??? in any season. Our sugar house, with its bright red roof, is perched conveniently by the side of Route 100, at the entrance to a famed lakes region that includes Lake Pauline, which is just outside our door. We are 4 miles north of Ludlow, the home of Okemo Mountain's four season resort, and only 25 miles south of the Killington Mountain resort. You might say we are in the heart of Vermont's many major attractions, where there's something for everyone to see and do. Many folks include a stop at Green Mountain Sugar House on their "places to visit" lists, and recommend us to others.
Here's why!
Our syrup (you can have a taste if you stop by) is made with the benefit of years of experience and a pledge to use only the most tried and true of the new technologies to produce the award winning flavor that is our heritage. The sugar house was built in 1967 by David and Marjorie Harlow. At that time, buckets to collect sap from the maple trees and wood fired evaporators to boil the sap in open pans were mostly used by sugarmakers to produce syrup. A crew went into the woods with bulldozers and a sap sled with gathering tank to bring out the sap. Times have changed! Oil now fires the evaporator. Food grade tubing replaced the buckets; more taps were added, and sap was purchased from other sugarwoods; vacuum pumps were installed to help draw the sap through the tubing; a reverse osmosis machine now reduces the amount of water in the sap, cutting the boiling time by about half, greatly reducing fuel consumption.
In 1955...
Marjorie and David Harlow sold the business to us - daughter, Ann and her husband Douglas. We do most of the work at Green Mountain Sugar House ourselves, from tapping trees to collecting sap, to boiling and freshly packing the syrup into jugs and glass bottles. We make our own pure maple specialties too - maple cream, candy, and maple nut brittle.
The Sugarhouse Gift Shop
Browse through the shop that features our maple products along with oodles of fine Vermont crafts and gifts that we personally choose for our customers (and ourselves!). During February, March and April we may be boiling in the sugar house ??? drop in for a tour, and watch some of Vermont's best syrup being made. The welcome mat's out at Green Mountain Sugar House! If you can't visit personally, we're only a toll free call or a click of the mouse away. We're happy to answer your questions, or take your order.